Mirror, my beautiful mirror
There are days like that… We look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning and one thing is obvious: we clearly look bad! Does that mean we need a good detox? Certainly. This blurred complexion, these…
There are days like that… We look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning and one thing is obvious: we clearly look bad! Does that mean we need a good detox? Certainly. This blurred complexion, these…
The Passéjaïres, hikers of the Monts de Lacaune, offered themselves a getaway at the end of April in the Cantabria region. Cantabria, around the city of Santander, is a quiet province on this Spanish Atlantic coast in the extension of the Basque Country. 29 hikers headed by President Pierre Caurier reached the small town of … Read more
The Brax association Original Brother’s is organizing a charity day in Brax all day Saturday May 13 at the Brax village hall. An article published on Tuesday mentioned the concerts of the evening with in particular from 7 p.m. a first rock concert thanks to the group No Remorse followed by a second concert with … Read more
the essential Faced with the obvious lack of infrastructure, which would make it possible to maintain populations in rural areas, the municipality, in coordination with the departmental medico-social officials, wishes to create a new, innovative intergenerational reception center within the municipality. The first meeting prior to the launch of the development project of the municipality … Read more
the essential For the people of Gers who have difficulty finding a dentist, a dental bus equipped by the Red Cross now crisscrosses the department. If you can’t go to the dentist, the dentist will go to you… It is true that the Château de Lagardère is located a long way from the cannon of … Read more
(AFP) – More deaths and disability: Rising temperatures are threatening the lives and health of millions of employees working in extreme heat, experts warn at a conference this week in the wealthy state of Qatar. Gulf particularly concerned. Gathered since Tuesday in Doha, the capital of Qatar where the temperature reaches around 40 degrees Celsius … Read more
(ETX Daily Up) – Donations to associations fighting against poverty and precariousness can take different forms, from food to hygiene and clothing. But what about cosmetics, those not intended for functional but aesthetic needs? Often considered superfluous, if not secondary, they are in fact essential for improving self-esteem and the view of others, but also … Read more
the essential Boston surgeons have achieved a surprising medical feat by operating on the brain of a fetus that was still in its mother’s womb. Two months after her birth, the little girl is in good health. It is a unique surgical operation in the world which took place a few weeks ago. On March … Read more
A drug would be able to delay the evolution of symptoms linked to multiple sclerosis (MS). Let’s take stock of this approach when no treatment today can cure this autoimmune disease. A disease affecting the central nervous system, multiple sclerosis affects 110,000 patients in France. In this pathology, the immune system reaches the myelin, this … Read more
Tobacco, ultra-processed foods, pollution, excess antibiotics, pesticides…: here are some of the substances implicated in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Moving away from it reduces the risk of one day having Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. And slows down the risk of aggravation in patients already diagnosed. Let’s take stock on the occasion of World IBD … Read more