Clinique Ormeau: a third radiotherapy device

the essential Halcyon, the third particle accelerator allowing the treatment of cancers by radiotherapy, was inaugurated yesterday at the Ormeau clinic. Halcyon, this is the name of the third machine which will treat cancer patients in the Hautes-Pyrénées with rays. This latest-generation particle accelerator will make it possible to better meet needs because, as Dr. … Read more

Lombez: the benefits of essential oils

Marie-Pierre is from Gimont, so she came as a close neighbor last Sunday to the Salon du Printemps organized by Chez-nous en Savès. She is a consultant in personalized aromatherapy, a discipline which consists of the use of aromatic compounds extracted from plants, essential oils, for medical purposes, but which do not replace treatment. She … Read more

5 things to know about the tiger mosquito

In 2018, the tiger mosquito was established and active in 42 departments of metropolitan France. Today, 71 of the 96 departments are concerned. How to recognize this vector of dengue fever or chikungunya? How to react in the event of a bite? Or how to prevent its proliferation? Here are the answers. How to recognize … Read more

Does sports allergy exist?

Food, contact or even respiratory, allergies are multiple and increasingly frequent. But do you know about exercise-induced anaphylaxis? This rare allergy remains largely unknown. However, it can be serious. What do we know about this stress response? Anaphylaxis is the most severe manifestation of allergy. This generalized reaction is due to “an inappropriate activation of … Read more

Covid-19: the pandemic “is no longer a health emergency”… the WHO raises its maximum alert

the essential The Director General of the World Health Organization made the announcement this Friday, May 5, believing that the pandemic which has killed at least 20 million people was now sufficiently under control. The World Health Organization lifted its highest level of alert on the Covid-19 pandemic this Friday, May 5, believing that it … Read more

“We send him for a walk”: victim of a heart attack, a man contacts the Samu three times who refuses to intervene

the essential In September 2022, Thierry Aniorte, municipal employee in Tourreilles (Aude) suffered a heart attack at his workplace. He and his family contacted the emergency services several times, but the regulating doctor on duty refused to send an ambulance to the scene. The Aniorte family will no doubt remember September 30, 2022 for a … Read more

Prostate cancer: a technology protects the rectum from the toxicities of radiotherapy

the essential Effective in reducing the risk of radiation to the rectum during external radiotherapy treatment of prostate cancer, the synthetic resorbable SpaceOAR spacer is now reimbursed by National Health Insurance. Progress for patients. With 48,400 new cases per year, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. It is also the third cause … Read more