Capdenac-Gare. The autism of his son, a fight marked with a white stone

the essential Mother of an Asperger child, this 49-year-old Aveyronnaise, teacher at the Capdenac-Gare college, has three passions: her fight for inclusive education, writing and stones. Emmanuelle Fayel believes in the power of crystals and stones. His favorite features prominently on the left ring finger. This is charoite. “It’s to avoid ruminating, to better channel … Read more

Cahors. Blood drive schedule for June

Where to give in the Lot in June 2023? La Maison du Don de Cahors 34 Rue Charles Bourseul 46000 Cahors (donor parking or free 45-minute ticket for the Amphitheater and Lighthouse car parks). Every Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to … Read more

Preignan. Meeting of Gers soft gym clubs

The annual meeting of the soft gym clubs of the Gers was organized this year by the GV section of Preignan according to the annual program of the Departmental Committee EPGV 32 at the beginning of the month. This festive day allowed the 125 participants to meet in a friendly and warm atmosphere. After the … Read more

Saint Gaudens. The return of unvaccinated caregivers to the hospital

the essential The suspension of the vaccination obligation for caregivers allows those who have not been vaccinated to return to their jobs. Focus on the situation at Saint-Gaudens hospital with Olivier Navasa, director of human resources. How was the reintegration of caregivers at Saint-Gaudens? At the Saint-Gaudens hospital, a caregiver and a nurse were reinstated … Read more

The return of unvaccinated caregivers to the hospital

the essential The suspension of the vaccination obligation for caregivers allows those who have not been vaccinated to return to their jobs. Focus on the situation at Saint-Gaudens hospital with Olivier Navasa, director of human resources. How was the reintegration of caregivers at Saint-Gaudens? At the Saint-Gaudens hospital, a caregiver and a nurse were reinstated … Read more

The return of unvaccinated caregivers to the hospital

the essential The suspension of the vaccination obligation for caregivers allows those who have not been vaccinated to return to their jobs. Focus on the situation at Saint-Gaudens hospital with Olivier Navasa, director of human resources. How did the reintegration of caregivers go? At the Saint-Gaudens hospital, a caregiver and a nurse were reinstated on … Read more

Labege. Nadège recounts parent-child moments

Present at Cultura Labège on Saturday May 13 for a signing session, Nadège Petrel once again met her increasingly wide readership who, through her works, acquires the rudiments and valuable advice for better educating her child, especially from the earliest young age, when the sensitivity of our little cherubim is most lively. Through her training … Read more

Shortage of drugs: the Senate inquiry committee visiting Upsa on Monday

the essential The vice-president of the Senate’s “Shortage of drugs” inquiry commission was on Monday in Upsa, at Passage-d’Agen. Upsa is definitely “the place to be”, whether it’s day or night… After the nocturnal visit by Minister of Industry Roland Lescure last January, the Upsa factory in Passage-d’Agen received on Monday 22 May, Laurence Harribey, … Read more