Hautes-Pyrénées: how many non-vaccinated nursing staff and hospital workers are reinstated?

the essential Will the suspension of the vaccination obligation against covid-19 relieve the health system in the Hautes-Pyrénées? After the agreement to end the vaccination obligation given by the High Authority for Health (HAS) on March 30, a decree published on Saturday May 13 suspends the vaccination obligation against covid-19, which opens the way from … Read more

Free transport for seniors inaugurated this Monday in Fleurance

the essential The Fleuri’bus was inaugurated yesterday. This is an intra-urban shuttle intended for seniors from Fleurantin to circulate in the city centre. The Le Fleuri’bus shuttle was inaugurated this Monday in Fleurance. Brigitte Laurentie-Roux, municipal councilor for intergeneration and seniors, explained the genesis of this achievement: “Coming back to Fleurance, we formed a group … Read more

Fight against sectarian aberrations: former Tarbes judge Catherine Katz elected president of Unadfi

the essential Magistrate, Catherine Katz was an examining magistrate in Tarbes, president of the Court of Assizes of Paris but also for three years the general secretary of Miviludes, the interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian aberrations. Retired, she has just been elected head of Unadfi, the national union of associations for the … Read more

Premenopause, how to spot it?

Menopause does not occur suddenly. It is usually preceded by a period of several years of premenopause. What is it about ? How do you know if it has started? It is around the age of about 50 that the majority of women see menopause. This natural process corresponds to the cessation of ovarian follicular … Read more

a bacterium causing the disease?

Finnish researchers have found that a specific bacterium causes the disease in most cases. The strains of Desulfovibrio bacteria are suspected by researchers at the University of Helsinki to be linked to the onset of Parkinson disease. Already in 2021, they had observed that patients had all the more of it in their microbiota as … Read more