Common Good Summit: “Pfizer is mobilizing against the new threat of antibiotic resistance”

the essential Interview with Reda Guiha, President of Pfizer France on the occasion of the third edition of the Common Good Summit on June 1 and 2 in Toulouse. How can the pharmaceutical industry and the common good rhyme? First within the company, and our CSR commitments, decarbonization, energy and water consumption… Then, for our … Read more

Attacks against caregivers in Reims, Pau, Bron… a look back at the violence against hospital staff in France

the essential While a nurse was fatally injured this Monday, May 22 by a man at the Reims University Hospital, a look back at the cases of violence that have occurred in recent years against hospital staff. Several attacks, sometimes fatal, have occurred over the past twenty years against caregivers in hospitals, before the one … Read more

For “La fête du slip”, male contraception invites itself to the cotton farm in Auch this Saturday

the essential La Ferme en coton welcomes this Saturday, May 27 from 3:30 p.m. the association “Les roots d’en coton” for an event day around male contraception cleverly titled “La fête du slip”. It’s a fairly unknown and even a little taboo subject that will be discussed this Saturday, May 27 from 3:30 p.m. at … Read more

Knife attack at the Reims University Hospital: “One of the most intense dramas” for the country, according to Olivier Véran

the essential The death of the nurse attacked Monday with a knife at the CHU de Reims, is “one of the most intense dramas that can affect our nation”, reacted, this Tuesday, May 23, government spokesman Olivier Véran. “It is one of the most intense tragedies that can affect our nation”, reacts government spokesperson Olivier … Read more

strong legs limit the risk of heart failure

The study points to an improvement in recovery after a heart attack. A study presented at the conference Heart Failure 2023 of the European Society of Cardiology suggests that people with strong legs are less likely to develop a heart failure after a heart attack. In France, it is estimated that 1.5 million people suffer … Read more

Violence against doctors has increased by 23% in one year in France, more than 1,200 attacks and violence recorded

the essential The National Council of the Order of Physicians reveals that incidents against health personnel are increasing sharply. More than 1,200 assaults or acts of violence were recorded last year. According to the Doctors’ Safety Observatory set up by the National Council of the Order of Physicians, 1,244 doctors were victims of aggression and/or … Read more

Knife attack at the Reims University Hospital: the stabbed nurse is dead

the essential The 38-year-old nurse attacked on Monday May 22 at the Reims University Hospital died on Tuesday, announced the Minister of Health François Braun. She eventually succumbed to her injuries. While she was still “in extremely critical condition” last night, the 38-year-old nurse attacked with a knife at the Reims University Hospital on Monday … Read more

“Technology transforms the daily life of diabetics”, assures Professor Pierre Goudry of the Toulouse University Hospital

the essential Developments in the treatment of diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases and on the rise in recent years, are at the heart of a conference organized this Wednesday by the Toulouse Academy of Sciences. Professor Pierre Gourdy, who co-hosts it, answered questions from La Dépêche “Treatment of diabetes: a real pharmacological … Read more