“The accumulation of daily emotional wounds has a profound impact on the quality of life” (Meg Arroll – psychologist)

(ETX Daily Up) – Resilience, in other words the ability to overcome traumatic shocks, has been a term that has been used excessively since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. But do we really have the weapons and the automatisms, which allow us to face the injuries, minor or major, which affect our mental health? … Read more

Small emergencies by teleconsultation: a doctor accessible in a few clicks in Villefranche-de-Rouergue

the essential Villefranche-de-Rouergue. A downtown pharmacy provides a teleconsultation terminal. An alternative solution in case of difficulties to make an appointment quickly. The Villefranchois know it, it is not always easy to make an emergency appointment with your doctor. According to a study on health in rural areas, presented at the Congress of Rural Mayors … Read more

Realmont. Well-being for future mothers

Mathilde Lieber from the Calathéa wellness area (6 rue de la Halle) is a massage practitioner for women and especially those who are expecting a baby, because she is a Doula*. However, being pregnant herself, the time has come for her to go on maternity leave for a few months. Before leaving she confided that … Read more

Blood collection for the months of May and June

The French Blood Establishment (EFS) is asking donors to mobilize massively and come and give their blood. It is important that mobilization continues, patients still need transfusions. Here are the collection points for the months of May and June:- May : Wednesday May 17, in Argelès-Gazost, Salle de la Terrasse; Friday 19, at Lalanne-Trie, village … Read more

Citizen’s day in Touget – ladepeche.fr

Saturday, May 13, the town hall had organized a citizen day. About twenty people met at 8 am for a coffee, before registering for the various workshops. Some had to be canceled, given the uncertain weather of the day (exterior painting, cleaning of tables at the Culture Farm and clearing of hiking trails). The groups … Read more

Vazerac. Blood drive, thanks again

Was it too nice on May 3? Only 53 people showed up, but a special congratulations goes to the four newcomers for their first blood donation. We also salute Christiane Nougayrède for her hundredth donation that day. The emergency remains relevant because of the long weekends in May, which caused more than four hundred pockets … Read more

Le Café des parents, to exchange with health professionals in Trèbes

the essential On Tuesday, May 23, a new exchange between health professionals and parents of children attending school in the town is scheduled, Salle des Floralies. Sustained by regular programs on the themes chosen by parents, the Parents’ Café, placed under the aegis of the Professional Territorial Health Communities (CPTS), offers a new exchange with … Read more