Eating broccoli against skin allergies

Itching, redness, burning sensations… Skin allergy is an unsuitable immune response to compounds present in the environment. The severity of this type of allergy can vary depending on certain factors. Foods – such as broccoli – could thus alleviate the symptoms. From the cruciferous family, broccoli is preceded by a reputation as a superfood. Many … Read more

Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mortality… WHO warns against artificial sweeteners

the essential The WHO warns of the risks associated with the consumption of artificial sweeteners. According to scientists, they would not necessarily allow you to lose weight and would present health risks. Artificial sweeteners – ubiquitous sugar substitutes – do not help you lose weight and can pose long-term health risks, the World Health Organization … Read more

Eating broccoli may limit skin allergies, study finds

(AFP) – Eating broccoli or cabbage would limit the severity of skin allergies, indicates a study presented Tuesday by Inserm, which underlines the importance of a balanced diet for patients suffering from these skin reactions. In this study published in the English-language scientific journal eLife, researchers from the National Institute for Health and Medical Research … Read more

As a ‘modulator’: Eating broccoli may limit skin allergies, study finds

the essential Researchers from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and the Institut Curie claim in a study that eating broccoli would prevent allergic skin reactions. Eating broccoli or cabbage would limit the severity of skin allergies, indicates a study presented Tuesday by Inserm, which emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet … Read more

study sheds new light

This form of the disease still keeps many mysteries, but a study brings interesting leads. If we all know the term “long covid“, the symptoms that some patients experience for sometimes months is still unknown. But the review Nature has just published the results of a study conducted by researchers from Inserm, Université Paris-Cité and … Read more

HPI on TF1: is the series realistic?

Worn by Audrey Fleurot, the HPI series follows the adventures of Morgane Alvaro – a character with high intellectual potential – recruited by the police for her intellectual abilities beyond normal. Season 3, which begins on TF1, is an opportunity to focus on the realities and myths inherent in this intellectual trait. Dropping out of … Read more