Why are my periods heavy?

The amount of blood lost during menstruation varies among women. However, menstruation can be considered – and experienced – as too heavy: this is called menorrhagia. Are you concerned? What are the causes of these significant flows? And what can be done to fix it? “The periods are considered abundant if the duration exceeds 7 … Read more

The phone in the toilet, really not a good idea

A lecturer in microbiology warns of the need to clean her mobile phone regularly. Many of us come with our smartphones even in the toilet (46% of French people according to a study conducted for AXA Prevention in 2019). According to microbiologist Primrose Freestone from the University of Leicester in England, it would be more … Read more

Fatty liver disease: new bacteria recently identified by a team of Toulouse researchers

the essential In the absence of treatment for NASH, more commonly known as fatty liver disease, researchers are mobilizing. A Toulouse team recently identified new bacteria present in the liver at the start of the disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH) concerns, in its severe form, more than 200,000 people in France, mainly patients with … Read more

Liver diseases: screening, symptoms, treatment,… we tell you everything to prevent serious forms

the essential Very frequent, chronic liver diseases have multiple causes and are the cause of 17,000 deaths each year in France. Screening, care, prevention: we take stock. Professor Jean-Marie Péron, head of the hepatology department at the Rangueil hospital of the Toulouse University Hospital (University Hospital Center) is also the coordinating physician of the COHEP … Read more

Sainte-Croix-Volvestre. The intermunicipal rural center projects itself into the future

It was in the presence of Jean Doussain, mayor of Sainte-Croix-Volvestre, members of the board of directors and motivated members, that the last general meeting of the intercommunal rural center was held. After three tense years due to the health crisis, the presentation of activity and moral reports highlighted the effort of volunteers and members, … Read more

Montauban. Sixth-grade students at the Family Institute College are all trained by firefighters in life-saving gestures

the essential This Tuesday, May 9, 6th graders received training in first aid organized by Groupama with the departmental union of firefighters. In Montauban, young college students from the Family Institute practice first aid. As part of the “saving gestures” operation organized by Groupama, 6th graders are training. “It is in 6th grade that children … Read more