Reintegration of non-vaccinated personnel: marginal benefits at Montauban hospital

Home Reintegration of non-vaccinated personnel: marginal benefits at Montauban hospital
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Since Monday, May 15, staff suspended for several months for non-vaccination or an incomplete schedule can be reinstated at the Montauban hospital center. They were first 13 and then finally 8 concerned by this measure.

In this period of staff shortages in most hospital departments, the reintegration of employees who have not been vaccinated or who have an incomplete vaccination schedule could have been good news. Except that of the 8 people concerned (out of 2,000 medical and non-medical professionals), there are no doctors and very few nurses. There is thus a stretcher-bearer, two maintenance workers, an administrative worker, two other workers on maternity leave and two nurses. All the employees suspended until then were summoned by mail for an interview with the HRD on Monday.

“Initially, we had 13 employees suspended, but five of them have since been vaccinated or have given proof that they were, reported Sébastien Massip, the director of the hospital, last night. Of the eight, the human resources manager has met five people so far. The stretcher-bearer and the cleaners were reinstated in their positions, while an administrative assistant, whose position was transformed, was offered two equivalent missions. Two nurses still have to be seen, but in the end, there are hardly any nursing staff in recovery. »

This means that this return concerns a minimum of employees, those who have been suspended since September 2021 for the oldest. A non-event for the establishment.
We remember that last June, the CGT and FO unions had demanded the return of unvaccinated employees loud and clear, without winning their case since it was necessary to wait for a decree published overnight from Saturday to Sunday to the measure be lifted.

These employees were considered pariahs. They could not go to work elsewhere unless they asked their employer for permission, they had no wages, they were not entitled to unemployment and no longer contributed to their retirement. It is an iniquitous status.

“Finally, it’s not too early, reacts Manuelita Vintar, head of the CGT health at the hospital. It is not illogical that the staff be reinstated, especially since vaccination is not that protective, it does not prevent the transmission of the virus. These employees were considered pariahs. They could not go to work elsewhere unless they asked their employer for permission, they had no wages, they were not entitled to unemployment and no longer contributed to their retirement. It is an iniquitous status. Especially since in Montauban as elsewhere, there were not only antivax. Some have had two doses. They just didn’t want the 3rd or 4th…”

According to the trade unionist, “four suspended employees would have resigned”. “They preferred to leave the public service and retrain, especially since the working conditions are just as deplorable as before. In general, we are suspended if there is a fault with the key to a sanction pronounced by the disciplinary council. In this case, the suspension was validated by decree and extended to all. »

After passing through occupational medicine, the reinstated employees will resume this week or next week.

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