Punishments, intimidation, employees under pressure … A toxic atmosphere denounced at the Lomagne hospital

Home Punishments, intimidation, employees under pressure … A toxic atmosphere denounced at the Lomagne hospital
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
In Fleurance and Lectoure, nothing is going well in the three Lomagne hospital nursing homes, according to the employees and their representatives. Testimonials.

“We are going to restore order. I have been on the file for a few weeks with the ARS, and there are things that deserve to be clarified…” The mayor of Fleurance, Ronny Guardia Mazzoleni, does not hide his anger. Alerted by the employees of the public health establishment of Lomagne, the EPSL, the elected official also met the three unions present in the structure – CFDT, CGT and FO – under his role as chairman of the supervisory board.

The EPSL is the 3rd health center in the department, with nearly 300 employees. In addition to an SSR service, the EPSL manages three Ehpad: the Tané in Lectoure, and Cadéot and the Nursery in Fleurance. The situation there has become untenable for the employees since the departure of the former director last year. An inter-union was even considered.

“Political cronyism”

“Employees alerted us almost 3 months ago to serious malfunctions”, explains Christophe Bukovec, departmental secretary of the CGT health and social action. The union, very present at the Ehpad Cadéot, explains the role played by a senior executive, who manages the three Ehpad of the EPSL. “She has set up a toxic climate, based on aggression, insults or punishment, with officers summoned without reasons and without being able to defend themselves. We cannot accept to see 20-year-old agents holding out with pills, or crying while taking their service… ”

The CGT, which has compiled a thick file that it has exposed to the ARS, denounces a small group made up of animation or medical staff, around the senior executive. “We realized that these people had friendly but also political relations. There is a cronyism that has no place in a health establishment. The deputy director, in a meeting with the staff representatives, even declared that “the situation is close to omerta”.

The CFDT also sounded the alarm, meeting the deputy David Taupiac and the mayor of Fleurance. “The problems are concentrated on nursing homes, the SSR is rather spared. The employees work in conscience, but everyone is very badly, including in the administration. And that trickles down to the residents. There is a problem in the management, and that influences everything…” The union denounces “a very rotten climate”, where denunciation has become a method of operation. “We are waiting for answers to be put in place, but nothing is happening! »

The case of Lectoure

The Ehpad du Tané in Lectoure is not spared from the difficulties. In March, the supervisory board saw the president put an end to rumors that run in Lectourois and Fleurantin. No, there is no question of causing the closure of this public Ehpad to see the opening of a private establishment. The Barrère unit, at the Tané Ehpad, has closed nearly 30 beds out of 80. The occupancy of an Ehpad normally reaches 95%. “We are surprised by the silence of the municipality of Lectoure, wonders Christophe Bukovec. However, there are needs in the Lectourois basin. “These empty beds represent a strong loss for the establishment, while the payroll has remained the same.

What fuel the great financial difficulties of the establishment, and the hypothesis of a closure, which worries the employees and the unions as much as the families. “Part of the beds are closed, which could lead to a structural deficit”, analyzes David Taupiac, contacted by families and unions. “The current operation [de l’ESPL] leads to a form of mistreatment of employees and residents. We have to get out of this spiral. The file is now on the desk of the ARS.

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