The local branch of Lectoure de France Alzheimer Gers is offering a memory coffee today, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Café des Sports, on the theme “Help for caregivers: maintaining a relationship with your loved one”. This memory café is open to everyone for any information, advice or other information on support, the behavior of those being helped or on oneself as helpers: “The association’s psychologist will direct you towards solutions to your daily life. Our conviviality actions for members plan an outing on June 5, free training for those helped and caregivers at the Lomagne public health establishment (EPS) on May 31 until June 28 inclusive, always by our psychologist This memory café is a place of exchange and conviviality. Do not hesitate to push the door, Virginie and Christiane will welcome you with kindness and sympathy”. In addition, France Alzheimer will open its office on Friday June 2, at 9:30 a.m., at the Maison des services, at the municipal center for social action (CCAS), Cours Gambetta. The public will be welcomed by Christiane Chicard and Marylin Chaput for any advice concerning loved ones, illness or caregivers. These meetings are confidential and open to any public seeking information (to make an appointment, you can contact Information also at