beware of non-prescription treatments, “60 million consumers” alert

Home beware of non-prescription treatments, “60 million consumers” alert
Written by Doug Hampton

The consumer defense magazine warns against certain food supplements or drugs available in self-service in pharmacies.

With the beautiful days inevitably come certain allergies to pollen. To counter these rhinitis and other inconveniences, we may be tempted to turn to solutions available in pharmacies, without going through the stage of the attending physician.

But, alert the magazine 60 Million consumerscommercial excesses often accompany these treatments, whether they are disproportionate prices and/or inefficiency.

22 products compared

Thus, 22 of these products delivered without medical prescription, the most sold, were compared. The authors of the survey first observe “a plethoric offer to counter hay fever”in other words rhinitis or conjunctivitis.

Their effectiveness has been assessed, as have the risks and contraindications. In addition, the quality of the labeling and the information delivered have been deciphered.

The conclusions of the investigation

What do the authors conclude? That you have to be wary of products whose effectiveness is not really proven, in particular with regard to food supplements.

In effect, “food supplements only require a simple declaration to the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF)”they recall.

The most effective antihistamines

The magazine also warns about treatments based on essential oils, because they are not recommended for pregnant women, they are also to be avoided in the event of allergies to perfumes.

But then, what is still effective? The magazine recalls:

The best-selling oral products are antihistamine drugs (…) These are the ones with the highest level of evidence of efficacy. They are all the more effective as they are initiated early, before the appearance of the first symptoms,…

However, pay attention to the price of these molecules, such as cetirizine and loratadine, which are not supervised and which can “vary from simple to triple” according to the pharmacies.

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