ADMR associations are looking for arms

Home ADMR associations are looking for arms
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The ADMR, the leading home service network in France, is organizing an open day this Thursday to recruit around twenty field employees throughout the department.

In Albias, Molières, Caussade, Montauban, Lauzerte, Caylus, Réalville, Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave, Orgueil and Laguépie, the ADMR associations (Aide à domicile en milieu rural) open their doors this Thursday, May 25 from 8 a.m. 30 to 4:30 p.m.

They are looking for Home Help and Social Life Auxiliaries (AVS) profiles.

On this subject, we interviewed Ludivine Raynal, communications officer at ADMR Tarn-et-Garonne.

Is there always a shortage of staff at this time?

Every year, our employees take summer vacation. It is partly to compensate for this lack that we hire about twenty people for summer jobs, but also fixed-term contracts and permanent contracts. Because yes, we are also looking to recruit over the longer term, in order to add a few more employees to the 322 already present in the department.

How does this open day look like?

It is above all a moment of exchange. On each of our Tarn-et-Garonne sites, job seekers will be able to meet sector managers as well as local technical assistants, and ask them about the hours of these jobs or salaries, for example.

Visitors will also be able to submit their CVs and have job interviews. In previous years, some job seekers were even hired the same day.

What are the qualities to be Home Help and AVS?

First of all, I would like to remind you that ADMR in-house training exists to exercise these professions. Otherwise, I would say that you have to like human contact, as well as being autonomous. Autonomy also includes having a license and own vehicle for travel. In this respect, the ADMR compensates its employees up to 0.40 euro/km travelled.

I encourage people to come and work with us: the fact that we are an association makes it more family-oriented, and the events we run encourage social ties.

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