A new ranking of the healthiest foods

Home A new ranking of the healthiest foods
Written by Doug Hampton

47 foods commonly eaten in the United States were analyzed by researchers at William Paterson University.

Regularly, studies come to elect the healthiest food or foods in the world. As summer approaches, here is a new one to reward some of them.

This time, researchers from William Paterson University, in New Jersey in the United States, have established their own ranking.

Healthy foods: the framework of the study

For each of the 47 foods analyzed (fruits and vegetables), they evaluated the content of fibre, nutrients, vitamins, as well as the amount of sugars and calories, to arrive at a ranking of the healthiest foods.

Note that among them, 41 were in the category of “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” (PFV), in other words products with a beneficial effect on health.

Green vegetables and lemon big winners

As far as vegetables are concerned, here are the champions: green vegetables, more specifically Chinese cabbage, watercress and chard, followed by red vegetables, such as peppers and tomatoes, and finally, orange vegetables, carrots and pumpkin in the head.

As for the fruits (it comes 28th out of 47 foods, the first fruit), the lemon did well thanks to its antioxidants and vitamin C. It is also very low in calories and sugars. And if its tangy flavor can put off most of us to consume it alone, it can accompany salads, water or tea.

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