“We don’t count”: a 45-year-old Frenchman with Charcot’s disease begs the help of deputies

Home “We don’t count”: a 45-year-old Frenchman with Charcot’s disease begs the help of deputies
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
A 45-year-old Frenchman suffering from a neurodegenerative disease called “Charcot’s disease” sent a letter to the deputies to denounce the inaction of the health authorities and to encourage research into this disease.

Julien Maurel is a 45-year-old Frenchman suffering from Charcot’s disease, a serious neurodegenerative disease. In a letter recently addressed to the deputies, he denounces the inaction of the health authorities and calls for more means to advance research on this disease.

Read also :
What is Charcot’s disease, which journalist Charles Biétry revealed to be suffering from?

Julien Maurel felt the development of this disease in 4 years

The disease has gradually taken hold over the past four years. The forties first felt a strong exhaustion, numbness in his hands and difficulty in expressing himself, he confides to BFMTV. Doctors took two years to diagnose Charcot’s disease, which now makes him quadriplegic. Today, Julien Maurel is struggling to speak and can no longer move.

The patient deplores the inaction of medical research

Julien Maurel calls on elected officials to change the situation and take into consideration the 5,000 to 7,000 French people suffering from this disease. He admits to BFMTV that even if his fate is already sealed, he wants to continue the fight for other patients so that the government allocates more funds to medical research against this disease.

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