The long fight of Clara’s parents for her education

Home The long fight of Clara’s parents for her education
Written by Doug Hampton

Nathalie and David Lucarello, these courageous parents who are fighting for their daughter Clara, suffering from a behavioral disorder with autism spectrum, had no other choice “for the good of our child”, than to take her out of school. the medico-pedagogical institute of Venerque which welcomed him until last year. “It is the very functioning of this IME that we are constantly questioning. Only 2 mornings per week of care, repeated absences of the speakers, not to mention the violence already suffered by Clara without the intervention of the educators” , denounces the mother.

Clara Lucarello is undoubtedly not the only one to suffer from this “permanent letting go of the adults around her”, but the difference with her comrades is that her parents have decided to fight hard to restore dignity. education to their daughter. “Not being closed in any way to discussion, we thought that mediation would have made it possible to be listened to and above all heard. Clara, at 16, could not lose another year. But there again, we were wrong”, laments David Lucarello, the dad. He evokes a huge sum of money, from the ARS (1) to the IME Guilhem, supposedly arrowed towards Clara, “while this money has been diluted in the overall functioning of the establishment”, confides Mr. Lucarello.

“Everything is in order” according to the direction of the IME

For the well-being of their daughter, Clara’s parents asked the MDPH (2) to direct her towards more suitable structures. But again, nothing came. “In the meantime, Clara is working here at home, in Miremont, with workers we pay, but it’s always better than at the IME, even if she misses the other classmates a little,” says her mother.

For the management of the IME, which “has always taken Clara Lucarello’s case very seriously”, the support would not be illegal, “the schedules being respected and the absent speakers replaced as best as we can” . A management aware of the wish of the Lucarello family to bring to justice the lack of correct socio-educational care on the part of the IME Guilhem. A case to follow therefore.

(1) Regional health agency which would have paid the sum of €50,000 (2) Departmental center for people with disabilities

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