The Department is setting up a system to support the elderly in Ehpad

Home The Department is setting up a system to support the elderly in Ehpad
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Facilitate the transition between home and nursing home for isolated elderly people. The Department will set up a system called TADE for Tarn Accompagnement Domicile Etablissement. It will be free and will be open to everyone, regardless of resources.

It is never easy for an elderly person and their family to leave their home to join an Ehpad. Usual landmarks of life turned upside down, suddenly and irreversibly, a shock or even a trauma. The Tarn, which has some 80 establishments offering more than 5,500 places, will set up an innovative system to support the elderly from home to nursing home.

A first for a French department, which was submitted for deliberation this Friday during the Plenary Assembly of the community. “This TADE will offer a 6-hour home help package for personalized care and support in this stage of life”, explained Christophe Ramond, the president of the Departmental Council.

Ensure a smooth transition

In concrete terms, these hours will ensure a transition and support: home helpers will help the person to prepare their things, to settle, to make known their habits to the staff of the establishment, their tastes or even their centers of interest. On the day of entry, the worker can thus accompany the elderly person with his vehicle and in the days that follow, reassure him by his presence to avoid a clear break with his former living environment.

These 6 hours of support will be fully paid for by the Department and therefore free for all beneficiaries regardless of resources.

The opposition is stepping up on the issue of home help services

A deliberation adopted unanimously while the majority and the opposition fought a little earlier in the morning on the question of the Home Assistance and Support Service (SAAD). “The Home Help Service is absent from the debates, underlined Marie-Louise At, the leader of the departmental opposition. These services are not going well, we should support them, we have the financial means. “.

Évelyne Bretagne added: “Some are almost in cessation of payments, they are imposed budgetary policies that are too strict. Instead of increasing hours and paying a bonus of 100€, we should recruit on personal aid”.

To which Christophe Ramond and Élisabeth Claverie, its vice-president in charge of Autonomy, replied that “the Department has mobilized nearly 27 million euros over the past 3 years on the question”. Before adding “that there is a drop in activity due to competition from the private sector”. And the various elected officials to claim the paternity of the idea of ​​​​a bonus of 100 € for home help set up this year…

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