The Auch hospital center launches into job dating for its recruitment

Home The Auch hospital center launches into job dating for its recruitment
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Faced with the shortage of manpower, the Auch hospital organized a public meeting to present its positions, and the contours of employment in the hospital public service. The initiative met with a good response.

Nurses, administrators, midwives, technicians: the staff is lacking at the Auch hospital center. To attract skills, a meeting was organized this Wednesday morning, in order to present the positions to be filled – there are dozens of them – and the main lines of the hospital public service.

The public submitted a large number of CVs during this career information meeting at the Auch hospital.

The public submitted a large number of CVs during this career information meeting at the Auch hospital.

In the council room, at the bottom of the entrance, about sixty people follow the explanations of Mathilde Courtade, the head of Human Resources at the hospital. Before that, the director of the establishment, Sylvie Lacarrière, welcomed potential candidates at 9 a.m. “I didn’t think we would have such a comeback. At the start, the idea was to address ourselves mainly to former employees of the Clinique de Gascogne, but in the end, we opened the meeting to the entire public. According to the director, this format is relevant, which makes it possible to present the whole of the hospital centre, its functioning and integration into the public service.

The mysteries of the public service

These points are at the forefront of the audience’s concerns. Advancement, bonuses, career path, categories: the very specific little world of “hospitals” raises many questions. This is one of the goals of the meeting, explains Mathilde Courtade. “The collective leads to a cycle of questions and answers where everyone finds their account. This is the first time that we have organized such a meeting, but given the success, we could renew it. »

Informed by social networks, the media, unions or the judicial liquidator, for the elders of the Gascony clinic, the public notes, exchanges. Two health executives come to explain the specific needs of the medical services, and specify that “all candidates will be received, if you wish individual appointments”.

This is the case of three employees of the clinic, who came with their CV. “These are the positions of nurses in the operating room and recovery room that interest us, confides one. But we don’t have a lot of precise information on wages, on-call duty or working hours. The subject has not been broached, these questions, which are very specific to a particular service, will be asked in individual interviews”. However, the three young women find the meeting “very interesting”. “We don’t know the civil service, a field we don’t know at all! »

11:30 a.m. The meeting ends. Then begins a long procession in front of the table where baskets are placed. One by one, participants submit their CVs. “We will consider each request based on experiences, appetites, and our offers,” insists one of the health executives, Audrey Fraysse. If many in the room hope for a position, the hospital has an urgent need for skills, further increased by the absorption of specialties from the Gacogne clinic.

Quality of care: the Auch hospital center certified

During the month of January, the Auch hospital received visiting experts from the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) for a week as part of an “independent procedure for the mandatory assessment of the level of quality and safety care in health establishments”, carried out every 4 years. The CH d’Auch received an overall score of 94.81%, and the mention “Quality of care confirmed – Establishment certified”. The management wishes to “thank all the professionals for their mobilization and their investment as well as to the representatives of the users”.

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