With the best earphones, headphones, and speakers available in the market today, it is rightly said that hearing ability would be lost. While youngsters are all into large volumes and listening to music at a level never before, a new study has come to confirm how these are at risk of hearing loss.
This risk of hearing loss isn’t just limited to the younger generation but to all because at some point we all have unsafe listening practices.
So be it any quality or type of audio device, it’s a good time to lower your volume and start listening. Movies, concerts, phones, music Audio, and other impactful devices show the risk of hearing loss that is exclusive to children today. These younger kids visit and go crazy over the drum beats or loud amplifiers but do not know how they are risking themselves!
Due To Dangerous Listening Habits, Young Individuals Are At Risk Of Hearing Loss
In fact, if the reports are to be believed, more than 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss, and let us reveal that it’s the 8th of the world’s population. Such a huge amount and we are here still listening to loud music.

A study was conducted and later published on Tuesday that revealed how common it is for adolescents and young kids to listen to loud and heavy music for long hours. It was a journal that was conducted by BMJ Global Health. Safe listening policies are said to be implemented. It was recommended by the international team of researchers that determined and confirmed how the urgent need is required for the governments to implement the same.
This urgent need needs to be taken seriously by the government as the situation might get worse in the coming years. The WHO or World Health Organization has estimated about 430 million people (of all ages) that have been experiencing hearing loss. They have disabling hearing loss that needs to be dealt with. Exclusively, younger people are at risk of the same because they tend to listen to music for longer periods.
Talking about hearing devices, commonly used ones are smartphones, headphones, earbuds, loud music venues, and others that have poor regulatory enforcement. And a separate report was released stating that the estimate of people aged 12-34 years who are likely to engage in unsafe music listening practices is about 0.67 to 1.35 billion people.
They are the most at risk of hearing loss and need to get special attention for the same. There was a lead study author along with the WHO consultant named Lauren Dillard who told the insights of the study to the famous channel CNN. Hearing loss does not occur in one go but takes time. You may experience it little by little and later it completely gets lost. You won’t be able to comprehend how and when it happened, as our ears are sensitive enough.
Many physiological damages are also reported with unsafe listening practices. These may be recurrent or single instances but the Auditory system gets affected. It might cause transient or permanent tinnitus or other changes that are related to hearing.
These damages can also compound over the years and the noise exposure can make people vulnerable to age-related hearing loss that is commonly seen in the elderly. The analysis conducted between 2020-2021 reported that 23% of adults and 27% of minors were exposed to unsafe listening and these were reported by personal listening devices.
All you can do is make sure to lower the volume and restrain from direct contact with loud music.