Night work would be more harmful for men

Home Night work would be more harmful for men
Written by Doug Hampton

A recent study infers that men are more vulnerable to disturbances of the “biological clock” resulting from these staggered schedules.

We already know some effects of night work on health, particularly at the cardiovascular and metabolic level, with the increased risk of obesity.

A new study on the subject, conducted by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and published in the journal Science Translational Medicinesheds new light.

Humans and mice studied

By studying rodents and the health data of 90,000 workers, the scientists were able to observe that males seem more vulnerable to the disturbances in the biological clock that shift work induces. induced by these staggered schedules. Thus, male mice exhibited negative effects relative to exposure to these unusual day-night cycles.

The authors summarize:

Men who worked night shifts were more likely than those who worked regular hours to have metabolic syndrome – a cluster of risk factors for heart disease and diabetes that includes high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as excess fat.

The role of estrogen

Admittedly, women working night shifts are also more at risk of metabolic syndrome. However, certain factors could reduce this risk.

Tests performed on mice also revealed the role of estrogen as female mice whose ovaries had been removed were less preserved.

“Everything is turned upside down”

Dr. Garret FitzGerald, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, says the work done will vary the risk. But he specifies that in general:

What was striking is how pervasive the disruption is. Genes, proteins, insects in the gut, blood pressure, everything is turned upside down.

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