In-home parental support for newborns

Home In-home parental support for newborns
Written by Doug Hampton

Installed as a liberal nurse in the Sonnac sector, Asprières, Dorine, offers a new service to parents for their children. She holds the State Diploma of Puéricultrice which is a specialty in the care of newborns and children. Dorine has worked in neonatology, maternity and pediatrics where she was able to support young parents in their new role.

Today, she is committed to offering young parents and future parents support filled with gentleness and kindness. She offers a personalized follow-up, at home, in order to take the time to discuss, to listen to each other and to question herself around baby and parenthood. In addition to her training as a childcare worker, she completed a “baby well-being massage” training. In this specialty, his role is to give all the keys to be able to create a bubble with the newborn. Dorine also makes herself available to parents for the “physiological portage” area for which she has also acquired the training to be an instructor.

Information on 06 37 77 47 00. Mail: [email protected]

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