On the occasion of the World Week of Respected Childbirth (SMAR), the Doumaïa birth center organized this Wednesday, May 10, a photo exhibition in these premises located just a few steps from the Pays d’Autan hospital. A first for the only structure of this type in the region.
On the occasion of the World Week of Respected Childbirth (SMAR), the Doumaïa birth center organized this Wednesday, May 10, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., a photo exhibition in these premises located just a few steps from the Pays d’Autan hospital.
A great first for this structure created in 2015 and which is one of the nine French birth centers. This year, the SMAR was based on the theme “A woman and a midwife”. “That’s why we chose to make a photo exhibition to show this so important and unique relationship between these two people during the childbirth”, explained Justine, one of the ten volunteer users of the association.
Poignant testimonies
In the reception hall and in one of the delivery rooms, around thirty shots taken by certain midwives, spouses and a photographer were hung on panels and distributed according to several themes: “Why I chose the Doumaïa house”, “my delivery”, “in the intimacy of the first hours”, “follow-up at the birth center” and “thanks to the team of midwives”.
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Below each photo, one could read testimonials left by some of the mothers who gave birth at Doumaïa. “You know how to be effective, present and discreet at the same time. The perfect human and professional balance”, “thank you to this wonderful and committed team which allowed me to access a magical childbirth”, “we feel like house”, “my follow-ups were of exceptional quality”, “from start to finish, I was put in a cocoon of trust”… Poignant testimonies which confirm the success of this birth centre, which counts today, no less than 296 births.

Below, the volunteer users of Doumaïa who organized the exhibition.
“It’s good, it gives visibility to the structure!”, Confided Juliette Dassonville-Leroy, one of the midwives of Doumaïa, “very satisfied” with this photo exhibition and the “willingness” of the volunteers. to make the structure better known. Although this exhibition only lasted one day, the Doumaïa team intends to repeat the experience in the future.
In the meantime, the structure still organizes thematic activities and workshops several times a month. Workshops led by professionals or enthusiasts on all themes around parenting. To give access to as many people as possible, these workshops are open to everyone, Doumaïa members or not, and their price is free and conscious.