Hello. Well-being: when yoga combines with psychoanalysis

Home Hello. Well-being: when yoga combines with psychoanalysis
Written by Doug Hampton

Feel, evolve, adjust to find harmony in body and mind through simple changes in your daily life. This is the subject of the next “yoga and shrink” course, proposed by Emmanuel, a therapeutic yoga practitioner in connection with nature, in association with Marie, a Jungian psychoanalyst and storyteller, and Elodie, a naturopath.

On the heights of Aleu, in a welcoming gîte, this course will take place from 26 to 29 May. Each participant will be invited to follow the precepts of an Indian fable, over 2,000 years old. A fable that still illustrates, in a very current way, the incredible complexity of the human system. And an invitation to a new journey “to get out of the matrix and go towards oneself, or at least come back to it”.

A process of transformation, like a journey that will be based during these four days on the combined practices of walking, hiking, yoga but also on the decryption of Jungian symbolism or food. Food understood as sensitive and essential food to get closer to one’s singularities and meet one’s health needs, while keeping the pleasure without frustration.

Through these four days, between theory, physical and respiratory activities, beyond yoga postures, the objective will be to tend towards “a harmony head-heart-belly”, of relationships with oneself and finally with others. In the end, take care of yourself, your body and your mind to be better connected to yourself and to others.

For more information: yogaetpsy.fr

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