Bringing Together Thought Leaders And Innovators

Home Bringing Together Thought Leaders And Innovators
Written by Doug Hampton

CHICAGO , May 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — MarketsandMarkets Conferences is a leading organizer of global conferences and events in the fields of Pharma, Healthcare, and Life Sciences. We are delighted to announce our forthcoming Infectious Disease and Molecular Diagnostics Conference, which is scheduled to take place in Boston, USA, on 19th-20th October 2023. The event will bring together industry experts, researchers, and key decision-makers to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the field of infectious disease and molecular diagnostics.

With a focus on delivering high-quality and informative content, our conferences provide a platform for industry leaders, decision-makers, and experts to network, share knowledge, and discuss the latest developments in their respective fields.

One of the key highlights of the conference is the opportunity for international speakers to share their insights and expertise on various topics related to infectious disease and molecular diagnostics. The event offers an excellent platform for thought leaders to showcase their research and discuss their findings with a diverse audience.

As a speaker at the conference, participants will have the chance to network with fellow professionals from various fields and gain exposure to potential collaborators and investors. In addition, speakers will have the opportunity to interact with key decision-makers from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, academic institutions, and government agencies.

MarketsandMarkets Infectious Disease and Molecular Diagnostics Conference will cover a range of topics, including:

  • Implementation and Interpretation of Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
  • Reimaging Diagnostics with Smart Technologies
  • Tailoring Models and Advancements Under Infectious Disease Diagnostics Point of Care Testing
  • Promising Diagnostic Techniques in The Era of Consolidation
  • Future Molecular Diagnostics and New Diagnostic Technologies
  • Shaping The Point of Care Era with the Best Tools and Methodologies

The conference will also include panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions.

For speaking opportunities, please write us at [email protected] | [email protected].

The event is expected to attract a wide range of participants, including researchers, clinicians, laboratory professionals, and industry executives from around the world. With a focus on the latest developments and trends in the field, the conference promises to be an excellent opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge and stay up to date with the latest industry insights.

In addition to the speaking opportunities, the conference also offers sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for companies looking to showcase their products and services to a diverse audience. This is an excellent chance for companies to interact with industry experts, establish new partnerships, and gain valuable exposure to potential clients and investors.

MarketsandMarkets is well-known for its expertise in the market research and consulting industry. With a team of experienced professionals and a global network of partners, the company has established itself as a trusted source of market intelligence and insights. The Infectious Disease and Molecular Diagnostics Conference is the latest addition to the company’s portfolio of events, and it promises to be a highly informative and engaging event for all participants.

In conclusion, the MarketsandMarkets Infectious Disease and Molecular Diagnostics Conference is an excellent opportunity for international speakers to showcase their research, network with fellow professionals, and gain valuable exposure to potential collaborators and investors. With a focus on the latest developments and trends in the field, the conference promises to be a highly informative and engaging event for all participants. We look forward to welcoming you to Boston in October 2023!


About MarketsandMarkets™ Conferences

MarketsandMarkets™ Conferences is a global leader in organizing B2B conferences, summits, and corporate events. Our events provide a platform for industry leaders, decision-makers, and experts to network, share knowledge, and discuss the latest developments in their respective fields. We cover a wide range of industries, including Pharma, Healthcare, Biotechnology, Information Technology, and many more. Our events are attended by excellent delegates from around the world, including Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, startups, and more.

Our conferences are focused on delivering high-quality and informative content, and we bring together leading experts from academia, industry, and government to share insights and best practices, discuss challenges and opportunities, and explore emerging trends and technologies.

At MarketsandMarkets Conferences, we are committed to providing our attendees with the most valuable and informative experience possible. We strive to create an environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and thought leadership, and we are dedicated to delivering events that exceed our attendees’ expectations. Join us at our next conference and discover the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in your industry.

To find out more, visit or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Ms. Nayantara Patil
MarketsandMarkets™ Conferences 
Tower B5, Office 101,
Magarpatta SEZ Hadapsar,
Pune – 411013,
India: +91 20 48598285

Email : [email protected]

For more information about the MarketsandMarkets Infectious Disease and Molecular Diagnostics Conference, visit the conference website or contact Marketing-CNC directly.


SOURCE MarketsandMarkets

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