American Physical Therapy Association Recognized With Two Prestigious Honors for Health Care Association and Educational Excellence

Home American Physical Therapy Association Recognized With Two Prestigious Honors for Health Care Association and Educational Excellence
Written by Doug Hampton

Association Demonstrates Its Commitment to the Future of All Health Care Professionals

ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The American Physical Therapy Association was recognized for its leadership in advancing the future of health care professionals at the 46th Annual International Leadership Conference of HOSA – Future Health Professionals. As a recipient of the HOSA-100 National Advisory Council Award and HOSA Outstanding Professional Association Award, APTA continues to demonstrate its commitment to advancing the future of all health care professionals.

“It has been a privilege to partner with HOSA over the past decade,” said Mya Shackleford, manager of student recruitment at APTA. “This partnership continues to open doors and provide opportunities for APTA to connect with future physical therapists and physical therapist assistants while raising awareness of the profession.”

“The partnership between APTA and HOSA provides a unique way to spotlight career opportunities in the physical therapy profession and develop industry-based skills and interest among HOSA advisors and their student members,” said HOSA Executive Director Sarah Walters.

In addition to receiving its own honors at the HOSA International Leadership Conference, APTA will be awarding scholarships to two APTA member physical therapist students for their high achievements in the HOSA Physical Therapy Competition.

Visit the HOSA International Leadership Conference Program for more information about the HOSA-100 National Advisory Council Award, HOSA Outstanding Professional Association Award, and HOSA Physical Therapy Competition Winners:

The American Physical Therapy Association represents more than 100,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students nationwide. Visit to learn more.

SOURCE American Physical Therapy Association

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