The Gers branch of the French Association for Multiple Sclerosis (AFSEP) is taking part in awareness week on this disease until May 30. The association supports all people with this pathology and their caregivers. During this “Week in blue”, it mobilizes to inform, assist and inform the interested public. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is still poorly identified. It causes many visible and invisible symptoms that are not easy to understand. The disease is very debilitating.
In the Gers, AFSEP offers members of the association legal and social assistance as well as listening, supported by a psychologist. All these services are free. Many online activities are also offered: socio-aesthetics, memory, naturopathy, sophrology, music therapy, yoga, adapted physical activities, sex therapy, art therapy, etc.
A discussion group, once a month at the Maison de la Santé in Mauvezin, is led by a clinical psychologist. A dietary workshop is organized once a month at the Always smile club in Mauvezin. Finally, the association has a website, a magazine “Facteurs Santé” on Facebook, “Les conseils bien-être de Myéline” and Instagram.