Splenda® Brand Addresses Recent Study on Sucralose-6-acetate (S6A)

Home Splenda® Brand Addresses Recent Study on Sucralose-6-acetate (S6A)
Written by Doug Hampton

CARMEL, Ind., June 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Splenda Brand is aware of the recent study conducted on Sucralose-6-acetate (S6A). Recent news reports covering this study have alleged or implied that the study indicates Splenda® Brand Sweeteners caused poor health effects. That is false. The truth is Splenda is a safe and effective alternative to sugar and is recommended every day by Healthcare Professionals to aid in weight loss and diabetes management. As for this study, no conclusions can or should be drawn about Splenda® Brand Sweeteners from this study for the simple reason that it did not analyze any Splenda® Brand  products or ingredients.

Splenda branded products and the ingredient sources we use to manufacture our products were not included or tested in this research.

The headlines and media coverage falsely reported that Splenda and its sweetening ingredient sources were a part of this study. They were not. The study did not test Splenda Brand Products nor its ingredients. We are sorry, that you, the consumers we work to serve every day, experienced anxiety, confusion, or uncertainty based on the false reporting surrounding this study.   

The focus of this study, sucralose-6-acetate (S6A), is not the same as sucralose; the ingredient used in Splenda.

The study focuses on the chemical compound S6A, which is not used in Splenda Brand products. It is also distinctly different from the chemical compound sucralose, which is used in Splenda Brand products.  Sucralose is a popular, zero-calorie sweetener that has been used by millions of people for over 25 years to sweeten foods and beverages.  It is also globally approved by food safety organizations including the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).  

S6A is not present in Splenda brand products.

The sucralose used in Splenda Brand sweeteners is rigorously and routinely tested for impurities in our products. We can confirm that S6A is not present in Splenda Brand sucralose down to the lowest detection limit possible, which is .001% sensitivity level. The sucralose in Splenda Brand sweetener is made 100% in the USA.

In Conclusion

To summarize, the study never tested Splenda products and focused on a chemical compound that is not present in our products.  

We at Splenda will continue our commitment to helping people live happier, healthier, and longer lives by making it easier to reduce sugar.  More than 60% of American adults exceed the recommended daily limit for added sugar intake and this excess sugar consumption has led to half of American adults suffering with life-altering and life-shortening chronic diseases like pre-diabetes, diabetes, and obesity. 

We come to work every day with a sense of urgency knowing the important role our products can play to combat the global trends of obesity, diabetes and excess sugar consumption. We continue to be proud to offer practical, affordable, widely available and safe Splenda products so that people can reduce sugar without compromising on taste.

About the Splenda® Brand

Based outside of Indianapolis, Heartland Food Products Group is a global leader in the production of low-calorie sweetener products, creamers, beverage concentrates, coffee, and nutritional drinks. Heartland is on a mission to help people live happier, healthier and longer lives by making it easier to reduce sugar through its delicious, low-calorie sweeteners. The Splenda® Brand is the most recognizable and iconic low-calorie sweetener (“LCS”) brand in the world, having sold more than 100 billion yellow packets since its launch in 1991. Today, the Splenda Brand is the clear #1 LCS brand in the USA. Splenda is the name for great tasting, low calorie foods and beverages. Its line features a range of products including low-calorie sweetener products, natural sweeteners such as Splenda Stevia Sweeteners and Splenda Monk Fruit Sweeteners, Splenda Coffee Creamers, Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes, Splenda Sweet Teas and more. To learn more, visit Heartland at www.heartlandfpg.com and Splenda at www.splenda.com

SOURCE Heartland Food Products Group

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