Sleep, attention, diet: three tips to boost your memory before exams

Home Sleep, attention, diet: three tips to boost your memory before exams
Written by Doug Hampton

(ETX Daily Up) – The good weather has already come to an end, but the school year is far from over with the preparation of the last tests of the patent, the baccalaureate, or the entrance exams to the big schools. Studying with the approach of summer is not easy, but advice and tips can help you approach this period in the best possible way, and improve your memory so that you don’t forget anything about your revisions.

Lack of sleep, stress, or poor nutrition can hinder all the efforts made throughout the year in preparation for certain fundamental exams, such as the college certificate and the baccalaureate. It is therefore better to anticipate with the help of a healthy lifestyle, and even to introduce new habits into your daily life to stimulate your memory and be perfectly operational when the time comes. Here are three tips to apply over the next few weeks to boost your memory and fly over these final trials before the big summer deliverance.

Sleep, a crucial point

We will not stop repeating it, there is no point in revising until the first light of day to obtain good results for the patent or the baccalaureate, quite the contrary. The fatigue accumulated during the last revisions can affect your performance, and have an impact on your concentration and your memory, two essential things during exams. Many scientific studies have established a link between sleep and improved ability to learn, memorize, or use new knowledge, as revealed by data published by the University of Pennsylvania, in the United States. Which states that researchers even established in 2019 a relationship between sleep and exam results, revealing that the less students slept, the worse their grades were.

For its part, the B2V Observatory of Memories indicates that it is important to “preserve sleep during revisions”, recalling in particular that “at night, [le] brain relives the learning episodes to consolidate them effectively in memory”. And to go even further by recommending naps to students to boost their abilities a little more. is not a myth. Digestion requires energy and fatigue… So listen to your body and avoid revisions just after meals!”, Can we read on the site specializing in the functioning of memory.

Concentrate to better remember

We’ve all experienced it: neighborhood noise, loud music, or even incessant thoughts can also affect students’ ability to retain a plethora of information for exams. It is therefore important to ensure that all the conditions are met so that attention is focused only on the revisions in progress. To do this, nothing better than to isolate yourself in a room, far from the tumult of group revisions, and clear your mind before diving into your revisions. It is obviously advisable to turn off the music or the television – and if possible your telephone – so that the concentration is optimal – and this, although some people find it better to learn with background noise.

If your home is poorly insulated, you can, for example, invest in noise-canceling headphones that will isolate you from the rest of the world for the time of this final apprenticeship. Note, it is not a question of renouncing one’s social relations, on the contrary. The B2V Observatory of Memories also recommends “splitting the review times”, with “several episodes (…) lasting around twenty minutes spread over several days”. The idea is not to spend whole days locked up revising, but to intersperse this learning time with activities related to well-being. This can take the form of sports sessions, cultural activities, or more simply outings with friends.

The role of food

“Eat fish, it’s good for your memory!”. We have all heard one day or another this received idea, linked to the phosphorus content of the flesh of certain fish. But scientific studies contradict each other on the subject, the most refractory arguing in particular that fish is far from being the only food rich in phosphorus – it is also found in dairy products, eggs, certain meats and certain pulses, seeds, or seafood. Over the past decade, however, many studies have shown that fish consumption can improve cognitive functions and fight against cognitive decline.

In 2014, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh also suggested that eating baked or grilled fish once a week was beneficial for the brain, and against memory loss. Additional data to take into account as part of the revisions to put the odds on your side in order to shine on D-Day.

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