Shortage of drugs: Emmanuel Macron announces the relocation of around fifty molecules to France

Home Shortage of drugs: Emmanuel Macron announces the relocation of around fifty molecules to France
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday that the production of around fifty drugs, for which France is too dependent on imports, should be relocated to national territory.

Emmanuel Macron arrived this Tuesday, May 13 in Ardèche to present a plan to relocate drug production to France, in order to deal with structural shortages of imported products, from antibiotics to paracetamol. The Head of State first mentioned an initial “fifty essential drugs for which our dependence on extra-European imports is proven” and “therefore to be ‘relocated’. Twenty-five of them “will see their production relocated or significantly increased (…) in the coming weeks”, added the Head of State.

A campaign on reindustrialization

This trip to the site of the Aguettant pharmaceutical laboratory in Champagne opens a week of presidential meetings devoted to strengthening French industrial and technological sovereignty, until next Monday. The Head of State thus intends to extend his communication offensive launched in May on the theme of reindustrialisation, which he increasingly seems to want to make the common thread of his mandates, to show that he is regaining control after the crisis. retirements.

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