Rodez. Paul-Lignon: record attendance for blood donation

Home Rodez. Paul-Lignon: record attendance for blood donation
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Yesterday, many Ruthénois gave their blood during this collection for World Blood Donor Day, organized in the VIP lounge of the Paul-Lignon stadium.

In Rodez, blood was flowing yesterday, but for a good cause. The French Blood Establishment (EFS) organized an exceptional collection in the VIP lounge of the Paul-Lignon stadium, as part of World Blood Donor Day. During this afternoon, the organization had set the course of 100 solidarity actions, a goal largely achieved. “There are a lot of people, it changes us, usually, it’s much calmer”, recognizes Océane Vigroux who works in particular to promote the actions of the EFS. It is true that the usual collections organized at the hospital drain a smaller influx of donors. She continues: “this figure that we had set ourselves will be greatly exceeded, we can only be delighted.”

However, on the question of blood donation, Aveyron is not a small player. “We are lucky to have a significant mobilization in the department, with collections organized regularly and everywhere on the territory”, explains Bénédicte Séjor, doctor for the EFS. Thus in the spans, it was possible to meet many regular donors. This is the case of Pierre, who does not hesitate to convince those who do not yet dare to take the plunge. “It’s going well and above all, it doesn’t hurt”, he smiles. While others like the young Armand, came for the first time. “It was a question of availability, there I could, so I took advantage of it.”

The stadium: a popular place

A mobilization certainly motivated by the framework offered around this event. “It’s true that it’s nice to be able to discover this place which is still very new”explains Jean-Paul, who came to stretch out his arm for the second time this year. “I think doing this in the stadium has attracted a lot of people. It’s a more welcoming place than a hospital for some and we are ideally located in the city center, says Océane Vigroux. Wednesday is a good day too. The market was organized this morning and some parents have their afternoon free.” A situation shared by students, whose school year is coming to an end, who were “more present than usual”analyze the professionals.

In any case, this enthusiasm can only be beneficial. “We have had a very critical year in 2022, during which we twice reached the red alert threshold, regrets Bénédicte Sejor. The situation has improved somewhat since then, but we are on the edge.” Because many patients need this red gold daily. “Whether for chronic pathologies, the treatment of cancers or the numerous accidents”, adds the doctor. Especially as the approach of summer, vacation period obliges, this act of generosity is rare. So one thing is certain, yesterday Rodez was lucky.

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