Pechbonnieu. Healthcare professionals: the synergy of therapies

Home Pechbonnieu. Healthcare professionals: the synergy of therapies
Written by Doug Hampton

“Being human in our approach to the human being”, such is the unifying idea that brings together a dozen practitioners at the Objectif Santé center in the heart of Pechbonnieu. Created 10 years ago, the team has grown over time. All are refocused around the same objective: “to help the patient to activate his inner resources to lead him to be an actor in his health”. Osteopaths, sports educators, psychologists, dieticians and early childhood coaches work in collaboration with partners from various backgrounds.

Pauline Cathalau, sophrologist specializing in perinatality felt a deep need to get back to basics through her discipline.

“Pregnancy brought out many emotions from my childhood and sophrology helped me to know myself better” says Pauline. “Dare to live, dare to be yourself, flourish, fly away, feel free”, are words that have driven the career of Sandrine Grude, the team’s psychotherapist, for more than a decade.

Isabelle Ostan and Laëtitia Touzinaud, Doctors of Pharmacy, have observed over their years of practice in pharmacies, a growing demand from patients to take care of their health differently on a daily basis.

Responding to this demand, with which many health professionals have been confronted, especially after the Covid, is the starting point for a deep questioning. For these two experienced pharmacists, even if conventional medicine remains the central pillar of diagnosis, openness to other therapeutic horizons has considerably transformed their daily practices, thanks to acupuncture for Isabelle and hypnosis for Laetitia. “The idea is to promote a synergy of therapies as part of a global approach to health, and to be able to offer the greatest number of people a complementary therapeutic offer to so-called “conventional” medicine.

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