Negrepelisse. Meeting of professional integration partners

Home Negrepelisse. Meeting of professional integration partners
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The social and professional integration partners met around the theme of disability, the defense of rights and the fight against discrimination.

On May 22, a meeting of social and professional integration partners was held at the town hall of Montricoux, in the presence of Fabienne Pern-Savignac, mayor of the town and vice-president of the community of towns Quercy vert-Aveyron , in charge of human services. The objective was to exchange around the themes of disability (in terms of law and recognition of disability) and the defense of rights in Tarn-et-Garonne.

Organized jointly by the Quercy Vert-Aveyron community of municipalities, the Nègrepelisse Solidarity House and the Rural Families Association of Monclar-de-Quercy, this meeting brought together around thirty people working in the social integration sectors. and professional.

A first presentation of the Tarn-et-Garonne Departmental House for Disabled People (MDPH) by Ms. Bardou, director, made everyone aware of the MDPH’s missions with disabled people (adults or children). One-stop shop for all procedures related to various disability situations, the MDPH handles all requests (now possible online at After assessing people’s compensation needs, their requests are presented to the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of People with Disabilities (CDAPH). This commission alone is competent to decide on the allocation of rights-benefits-orientations (recognition of the status of disabled worker, allowance for disabled adults, etc.) to promote their autonomy and/or integration.

This was followed by the intervention of Mrs. Bedhomme, departmental delegate of the Defenders of Rights. It intervenes within the framework of the defense of the rights of users of public services, the defense and promotion of the Rights of the Child, the fight against discrimination and the promotion of equality, respect for ethics professionals in the security, guidance and protection of whistleblowers. In the department, three experts in specific areas of expertise (detention, children’s rights, disability and discrimination) are at your disposal. A weekly permanence on Tuesday morning is ensured at the France Services space, in Nègrepelisse (by appointment on 06 08 42 20 97).

In the continuity of this partnership work, a new meeting on the theme of health will be organized soon.

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