Narbonne. A village of health and knowledge prefiguring the hospital of tomorrow

Home Narbonne. A village of health and knowledge prefiguring the hospital of tomorrow
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The Narbonne hospital center symbolically laid the first plank of the new “Villâge Santé & Savoirs” at the Cup. A unique intergenerational place in France based on new concepts.

At the Cup, a huge area of ​​12,700 m2 of land is now battered by the winds. Dozens of people gather around the descriptive panels and colorful frescoes that surround the site. Soon, a new generation life, health and resource center will be created here. It responds to the challenges of the attractiveness of health professions, giving them meaning, as well as supporting old age and the mental health of children and adolescents. Added to these issues is the fulfillment of a need for therapeutic education in the territory.

Unique in France, this concept was imagined by the Narbonne hospital center around human and intergenerational exchanges. “The hospital of tomorrow wants to be benevolent and open to the territory”, detailed Dr Nicolas Boudet, medical coordinator of the project. “It is a disruptive project in the field of health, dominated by the search for efficiency. We add to it values ​​of autonomy, equity, solidarity, quality of life and social ties. We are driven by the desire to break down divisions and change perceptions”.

Opposite the Pech d’Alcy and Korian nursing homes, backing onto the crèche, the new village has taken a decisive step with the laying of the first plank. Because wood and vegetation will dominate, bringing touches of freshness and conviviality to this set. It will bring together, from the start of the school year in September 2024, the Institute for Training in Nursing (IFSI) and caregivers, then, in a second phase, child psychiatry, gerontology, as well as Auxilia, therapeutic day care. people with Alzheimer’s disease.

“The Village Santé & Savoirs project was born after the Covid, explained for his part Richard Barthès, the director. Architectural constraints prevented us from rebuilding the institute in nursing care near the hospital, we redesigned our initial project and we have compared it to the relocation of child psychiatry sectors and the creation of a center for aging well”.

Welcome, accompany and take care of everyone

Beyond the eco-sustainable buildings, the spirit of the project is innovative since it builds bridges between compartmentalized services and creates resource places that can be used by everyone. “Each structure has its own spaces and provides shared coworking spaces, a documentation center, the amphitheatre, etc. Families will find the structures they need in the same place, which will be grouped together there thanks to CAF, Carsat, CCAS”. Ironically about the current operating conditions of child psychiatry, Dr Mathieu Sebba said: “It’s a museum of the 70s!”, explaining that the antennas are scattered across the city in places that are sometimes very old, uncomfortable and very ill-adapted to pathologies. Child psychiatry, but also UAPED

newly created with the parquet floor, will be grouped together within the new village, for better care. Sports halls and an aquatic center are also planned. “The care still too often compartmentalized between social, medico-social and health leads to illegible health paths, noted the president of the departmental council Hélène Sandragé, very enthusiastic “on this innovative project that we will come to greet from all over France”. For his part, Vice-President Didier Codorniou recalled the help of the Region, targeted on training and the IFSI.

The installation of the first plank gave rise to a festive event, like this future place of sharing. Trained in a choreography to Polynesian rhythms by nurses and caregivers, elected officials, the elderly, children cared for by services, caregivers, and all the professionals concerned found themselves in the same spirit: “Building a future that brings us together as much as he looks like us”.

Pediatric reception unit for children in danger.

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