More than 20 patients per day at the new medical consultation center in Albi

Home More than 20 patients per day at the new medical consultation center in Albi
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Opened on June 5 with 13 retired doctors, the unscheduled medical consultation center in Albi is always full. The director general of ARS Occitanie Didier Jaffre visited it on Wednesday.

Opened on June 5, the new unscheduled medical consultation center in Albi already receives “20 to 25 patients a day… Surely that at the start of the school year, in September, we will be overwhelmed” predicts Dr Sentou, a recently retired pediatrician .

“We will have more doctors” assures, enthusiastic, Dr. Yves Carcaillet, general practitioner who carried out this project with Amra, association of retired doctors from Albi (La Dépêche of June 7).

He welcomed yesterday, in the premises fitted out and made available by the city of Albi, the director general of ARS Occitanie Didier Jaffre and his Tarn counterpart Abderrahim Hammou-Kassour. Both returned from the signing of an agreement with the CPAM of the Tarn and the Professional Territorial Health Community (CPTS) of the Greater Albigensian.

“All initiatives must be accompanied”

“All initiatives must be supported” insisted Didier Jaffre, recalling that “medical demography will remain difficult for another 10 to 15 years”.

Sign that even if this new health center is a local solution, experimental for two years, there is a good chance that it will continue beyond.

“If it works, there is no reason for it to stop”, insisted Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil, the mayor of Albi, thanking, in addition to the hospital and the partner health institutions, “these young retired doctors without whom nothing would have been possible”.

“We have made too many restrictions for too long”

“We have made too many restrictions for too long. Health is not an expense, it’s wealth, an investment… You are the public service of the region” confided the director general of ARS Occitanie, in front of retirees as voluntary as they are fiercely attached to their liberal practice. . “We are all here to help. We are not there to perpetuate ourselves but to compensate for a lack,” said Doctor Carcaillet, all smiles.

Consultation center, 26 rue Porte Neuve in Albi. Such. 05 63 48 06 65

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