Lot: the health option, created in Saint-Céré, extended to seven high schools in the Occitanie region

Home Lot: the health option, created in Saint-Céré, extended to seven high schools in the Occitanie region
Written by Doug Hampton

In order to prepare the installation of future doctors, Cauvaldor and the Saint-Céré high school have set up an unprecedented action: a health option from high school.

A device tested for two years

Experimented for two years, the system will be extended to seven high schools in Occitania. It is in this context that on Friday June 2, Mostafa Fourar, the rector of the Toulouse academy was present in Saint-Céré to discuss with the students, teachers and partners of the project.

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In the presence of about thirty people (health professionals, teachers, partners and elected officials), Rémi Poumeyrol, the principal of the Jean Lurçat high school presented the objectives, contents and methodologies of this health option. The opportunity to recall the profile of the students and the highlights of these two years of experimentation. He also welcomed the financial support of the association of members of the Legion of Honor, which also sponsors two students.

A dual objective

Raphaël Daubet, president of Cauvaldor, presented the genesis of the project. His idea was simple: it was to give fiber to the young people of the territory, to help them succeed in their medical studies, because they are the most likely to return to settle in the Lot. It was also necessary to try to fight against inequalities in access to health studies. “It is a way of finding a complementarity between the urban and rural world”, as recalled by the elected official, who has himself been confronted with these problems.

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VIDEO. Lot: high school students in the health option at Saint-Céré in immersion at the Samu and at the Toulouse medical school

Relevance and quality: these are the adjectives used by Mostafa Fourar to describe this unique health option, the results of which are very positive. After discussing with students, the rector thanked all the partners present. Indeed, the success of this device is the result of a partnership between local actors: Cauvaldor, the municipality of Saint-Céré, the high school, the rectorate, but also the health professionals of the territory and the faculties of Toulouse, Limoges and Clermont-Ferrand. “A real ecosystem has been set up around this project”.

Regional aid for establishments

On the strength of this success, the rector announced the establishment of a health option in each department of the Toulouse academy. For his part, Vincent Bounes, vice-president of the Occitanie region, in charge of health, specified that an annual regional aid of 5,000 euros will be paid to each establishment carrying this health option.

Finally, Odile Rauzy, director of the department of medicine, midwifery and paramedical services in Toulouse, vice-dean of the faculty of health, presented the common issues. It will be a question of working on the content of the lessons to best meet the expectations of the first year of medicine, in close partnership with the national education services and of leading a future network of high schools which will offer the health options. For the start of the 2024 school year, the system could integrate the “cordée de lasuccess” program, which aims to introduce greater social equity in access to higher education training, and thus be valued in Parcoursup.

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