Losing control of his motorcycle, he fractures a testicle

Home Losing control of his motorcycle, he fractures a testicle
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Following a motorcycle accident, an American felt a sharp pain in one of his testicles. The doctors were able to treat him without operating.

A 48-year-old motorcyclist had an accident in the United States, in New Jersey, when he lost control of his vehicle. The accident could have been dramatic, points out Health Magazine, because the man hit a wall. But, against all expectations, he did not fall and lose consciousness. However, soon after, the rider noticed a swelling in his groin and felt a sharp pain which prevented him from sitting down.

A non-invasive surgical technique

When he went to the hospital, doctors found that one of his testicles was unusually swollen, hard and painful to the touch. The ultrasound revealed that the testicle had ruptured and blood had pooled inside the tissue of the artery that supplies the reproductive organ.

According to the journal Radiology case reports, surgeons were able to save the testicle by using an X-ray camera and making a small incision. They then inserted a gel containing tiny beads that blocked the blood vessels that flowed into the patient’s scrotum. Motorcycle accidents are the number one cause of testicular trauma.

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