Liberal nurses: Laurent Alexandre will propose a law to “improve their working conditions”

Home Liberal nurses: Laurent Alexandre will propose a law to “improve their working conditions”
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Questioned by several professionals from the “Angry nurse” collective of West Aveyron, the deputy planned to propose a text to bring up their claims.

“Since the Ségur de la santé, nothing has been put in place in Aveyron to respond to the difficulties of exercising liberal nurses. In a context of medical desert, it is necessarily the patients who are also impacted”. This week, Virginie Jalfre-Azam and Celine Bouby Blanc, two Villefranchoises member of the national collective “Angry nurses”, created at the end of 2022, went up to the battlements. They challenged the deputy of the second constituency of Aveyron, Laurent Alexandre, on their working conditions.

“A fed up”

“There is a fed up since the end of the covid”, supports Virginie Jalfre-Azam. “We are on the front line and we make the link with patients and the health system. This requires a lot of time in addition to heavy workloads. Nursing work is tiring. We often have to carry patients. Above all, to have a full pension, our retirement with the reform is shifted to 67 years. The last years are really difficult and the difficulty is not recognized”.

As a priority, the collective nurses are demanding a financial increase in the hourly rate: “Our profession is under agreement so we are not in control of our rates. They haven’t moved since 2019.” In addition, they also want an increase in the mileage allowance, among other things.

“A text will be submitted”

“We don’t realize how long the hours are and how dedicated the nurses are,” adds Laurent Alexandre. Alerted by the latter, he accompanied them on Monday on a tour of various patients. “They are the only link, in addition to home help, with the outside world for some isolated elderly people. They are subjected to physical and psychological constraints”.

The deputy plans to co-write with the “angry nurses” of West Aveyron a bill, “to improve their working and care conditions”, he explains. “We will table the text in the coming weeks or months, depending on the National Assembly’s schedule. We will go all the way”.

Benoit Donnadieu

In Aveyron, 180 nurses in the collective

Since its creation on social networks at the end of 2022, after a program on Cash Investigation on the fraud of health professionals, the collective “Angry nurses”, continues to grow. The structure, which claims to be apolitical and is structured as an association, brings together more than 10,000 members and is structured around several local branches. 180 liberal nurses who practice in Aveyron have joined the collective, out of the 800 in the department.

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