Lauzerville. For Rose goes to the bedside of the little sick

Home Lauzerville. For Rose goes to the bedside of the little sick
Written by Doug Hampton

The aim of this sporting and convivial afternoon was to raise awareness of the For Rose association ( born in Brittany in 2017 when parents and their relatives discovered the hospital world who were accompanying a little girl. named Rose with leukemia.

From a handful of parents and friends at its beginnings, the association currently has 85 members and aims, through participation, the organization of solidarity actions and the organization of sporting events, to raise funds to improve the living environment of children with cancer during their hospital stay.

On this Saturday, it was the structure welcoming adolescents and young adults (AJA) treated at the Oncopole de Toulouse which was the beneficiary of this action. Laure Cescatti, medical executive and Doctor Thibaud Valentin who came to represent the Oncopole were able to explain what the daily life of these young people is like. If it is still too early to make the financial report of the operation, the 150 participants having stormed the refreshment bar and the food trucks which donated part of their receipts to the association, there is no doubt that it will be positive. . For Rose would like to thank Christelle Garcia, Mayor of Lauzerville, for her presence, the municipality and its festival committee, the representatives of the Oncopole, all the sports participants, supervisors and guides, all the people who have supported and helped in the good course of this day, the food trucks partners the Hetfeins duo and the Gonin’s Band for the music at the end of the day and the solidarity fund of the Kingspan Company for its financial boost. The evening ended in the multipurpose room where everyone could eat around the Food trucks in an atmosphere of solidarity and conviviality.

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