Lanmezan. The CPTS Nestes Pyrénées in the process of being completed

Home Lanmezan. The CPTS Nestes Pyrénées in the process of being completed
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The Nestes Pyrénées CPTS (Territorial Professional Health Community) was formed in June 2022. The reflection work began in early 2022, with the drafting and sending to the ARS of a letter of intent. A constituent general meeting of the CPTS Nestes Pyrénées association took place in June 2022, and the first working groups started in stride for some of them.

This search for community is on the initiative and at first, that of the doctors of Saint-Laurent-de-Neste, quickly joined by many paramedical professionals of the territory who wished to invest in a coordinated work project.

In 2021, liberal health professionals, worried about the future of the territory in terms of medical demography, therefore began to initiate an approach aimed at optimizing coordination, exchanges between health professionals from all sectors. , as well as the sharing of knowledge, in order to improve the attractiveness of the territory.

The interest and strength of this project is that it is above all supported by the professionals themselves, which will allow them to respond to their own problems. Their interest is to be able to organize themselves in coherence with the needs of the territory and the practices experienced but also to be able to improve the offer of care and thus to reinforce the attractiveness of the territory covered by the CPTS. It also allows them to play their role in public health policy in conjunction with the associative and medico-social network.

This project brings together several sectors: health, medico-social, social, local authorities. It should make it possible to optimize cooperation between health professionals and their partners, in particular health establishments, but also to create links with associations, networks and to promote existing solutions already at the scale of the territory: Hôpital de Lannemezan, Coordination Support System (DAC). Thus, in addition to self-employed or salaried health professionals, educators and school teachers were able to participate in thematic working groups.

The interest for the population is to facilitate the access of each patient in the territory to the health professionals they need and to propose preventive actions adapted to our territory:

1/ the elderly: preventing the factors of fragility in the elderly

2/ sexual health and violence: informing young people and reducing violence

3/ paediatrics: raising awareness and informing parents/children about the vectors of trouble and supporting parents in their journey and disseminating information from the networks present in the territory.

Promote coordinated care for people in vulnerable situations.

Be able to respond if necessary to the needs in the event of a serious health crisis on a local scale

Improving the care pathway for each patient

The CPTS constituted since June 2022, the writing of the health project, in the process of being finalized, will only allow the CPTS to keep a line of conduct and to obtain financing for the actions.

Some missions have already started. The “Prevention of sexual health and violence” working group intervened at the beginning of April with the 1st grade classes at the Lycée de Lannemezan to discuss with young people and prevent the risks of sexual and/or intra-family violence.

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