A reception of the GIP “Ma Santé, Ma Région”, in charge of carrying salaried doctors, was organized by the municipality of Laguépie. present at this visit were the sub-prefect Julien Henrard, Vincent Bounes, vice-president of the Region in charge of health, Cathy Bourdoncle for the Department, regional advisers Patrice Garrigues and Serge Regourd, Gilles Bonsang, president of the QRGA , the mayors of Varen and Ginals, health professionals (pharmacist, podiatrist, osteopath, nurse, as well as the director of the Villefranche-de-Rouergue hospital, the director of the Laguépie nursing home). Vincent Bounes spoke at the town hall to explain the current difficult situation at the level of doctors, in particular in this sector. He specified that the installation of doctors on the department is a priority, on Laguépie in particular. Cathy Bourdoncle reported that the Department puts all its energy into helping to set up doctors with, for example, personalized discovery weekends, as recently with a young couple of doctors. Health personnel have also reported their great difficulties where patients are waiting for care that they cannot afford. The sub-prefect announced to everyone that the health problem is a major priority for Tarn-et-Garonne: “We are all trying to act for salaried medicine, but we do not create it with a wave of the wand Magic”. The state will be present to support all the projects, which the mayor of Laguépie took note of and thanked for this support and these encouraging words, hoping of course for a favorable follow-up quickly with doctor facilities in his town. The visit continued at the SDIS with the head of the center and then at the Ehpad.