“It’s going to set fire to the profession”… doctors on strike this Friday, June 9 against a bill on access to care

Home “It’s going to set fire to the profession”… doctors on strike this Friday, June 9 against a bill on access to care
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Opposed to a bill supposed to improve access to care, the association Doctors for tomorrow calls on general practitioners to close their practices this Friday, June 9.

The bill of the deputy Horizon Frédéric Valletoux, which will be presented next week to the National Assembly, does not pass with the doctors. These are called by the Doctors for Tomorrow association to close their practice this Friday, June 9. The text, supported by the majority, aims to fight against medical desertification, in particular by making participation in permanent care compulsory for all caregivers, by prohibiting temporary work at the start of their career or by attaching health professionals to a territorial professional health community (CPTS).

Read also :
Medical deserts: MPs put pressure on

This is a “new blow to the independence and attractiveness of our profession”, “without any regard for the real needs of healthcare players” which will add administrative burdens to a sector which is already crumbling under the procedures, estimates the management of the association in a column published in Le Monde. What destabilize “definitively the liberal health fabric, with a risk of collapse of the facilities in general medicine, a multiplication of displacements by doctors at the end of their careers and a cessation of exercise for active retirees.”

“They are off the mark”

Contacted by Le Parisien, the president of the French Union for Free Medicine, Jérôme Marty, agrees. “It’s going to set fire to the profession like you’ve never had it (…) They are off the mark. We have between 20 and 50 letters of intent to deconvention per day, and it will go up in arrow if the law passes. This system, they are the ones who are breaking it completely”. According to the president of the union, if this law is passed, “an unlimited and global movement of all medicine in France, in particular surgeons and anesthetists”, risks ensuing.

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