In the Lot, heading for World Blood Donor Day

Home In the Lot, heading for World Blood Donor Day
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
This Wednesday is World Blood Donor Day. In the Lot, a special collection is organized in Figeac. 300 donors are expected. The opportunity to build up a stock of blood products before the summer.

World Blood Donor Day is this Wednesday. And it is also in the Lot. A special collection is organized in the Salle Balène, in Figeac. It will start on Tuesday and end on Thursday. A slightly more substantial device has been put in place. “Summer, for us, is always a bit complicated period, people go on vacation. We have a drop in attendance at collections. This day has one objective: to build up a large stock before this period”, explains Déborah Iragne, donation promotion officer for the Quercy basin (Tarn-et-Garonne and Lot).

Attract new donors

Over the three days, 300 donors are expected. Last year, at Gramat, 161 people showed up. 140 had been taken. “It was a great fundraiser, there were a lot of new donors,” continues the donation promotion officer. She goes further: “This is the whole point of blood donation: new donors are constantly needed to take over from those who reach the age limit (65 years old – Editor’s note)”. Event collections are a good way to attract a new audience.

The association of voluntary blood donors from Figeac did their part to make this day a success. Football and rugby clubs have been contacted. With a small challenge: which of these two associations will mobilize the most donors? Indeed, players and staff have the mission to sponsor one of their relatives. “We hope it’s something that will work, it’s good child”, smiles Déborah Iragne. The little ones from the Figeacoises primary schools are also part of the adventure. If they are too young to donate blood, they will try to convince their relatives.

Wednesday evening, a graduation ceremony is organized for a dozen “faithful” donors. The latter will receive a level 3 certificate, which represents at least 25 donations. “This day is above all to thank donors for their generosity,” says Déborah Iragne.

11.3 days of stock: low reserves

This Monday morning, the stock of reserves in Occitania was at 11.3 days. “It’s a bit fair. We consider that we have a good stock when we have 14 days of coverage. This means that over the next 14 days, we can meet the needs of the sick quite comfortably”, affirms the donation promotion officer. How is this calculated? “We make forecasts. On such and such a week, we know that we are going to have increasing needs for such and such a group. We know this thanks to the programmed transfusions. This allows us to anticipate. Even if there remains a random factor which is the emergency situations”, explains Déborah Iragne. The O negative group, a universal donor, is particularly used in this type of case.

At the moment, the tensions are on the groups A negative, O positive and group B (positive and negative). All donors are therefore invited to come to the special collection in Figeac. The Cahors donation house remains operational for those who cannot move.

Special collection in Figeac, Salle Balène. Tuesday and Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. With or without an appointment.

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