Heat wave: 15 measures to deal with heat waves this summer

Home Heat wave: 15 measures to deal with heat waves this summer
Written by Doug Hampton

The government hopes to limit the consequences of heat waves on health, the environment, social life, the economy… with a plan intended to anticipate good behaviour. Among 27 actions identified, 15 key measures will be applied this summer. Details.

Anticipate the risks. This is the government’s objective as the summer could once again be marked by hot weather. This Thursday, June 8, the government unveils its plan on the management of high heat. In all, there are 27 actions, of which 15 key measures should be effective this summer. “Heat waves are multiplying and intensifying. 2022 is a record number of days”, noted the Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu at the microphone of Franceinfo.

While before 1989, heat waves were observed once every 5 years, they have returned every summer since 2000. In 2022, 1500 heat records were broken in total throughout the territory. “We must both fill in some of the holes in the previous plans and put in place new systems”, pleaded the minister.

For young people and vulnerable people

The government wants communal and to carry out actions to raise awareness of climate change.

The executive also plans to raise awareness among guardians and trustees of the need to be registered in these municipal registers, set up after the 2003 heat wave.. “Currently, only 5% of the people concerned are registered”, says Christophe Béchu.

In nurseries and school buildings, a national guide to good behavior and actions to be taken will be distributed and equipment checks will be carried out every year. It is a question in particular of keeping spaces of freshness, with the installation of blinds for example.

To host exams, rooms and premises near colleges and high schools will be checked every year. Objective: not to postpone an examination for thermal discomfort.

For the general public

The government plans to raise awareness and launch an information campaign on the work that can be done and the behavior to adopt in one’s home, for animals and on the risks of drowning.

Cool islands in urban areas will also be identified and communicated to the general public.

Prevention messages will be broadcast on public transport during extreme heat waves.

For cities, advice from Ademe will be given free of charge to enable municipalities to make the right decisions to refresh their territory. In particular, we know that planting trees makes it possible to significantly refresh urban centres.

In order to alert the populations concerned locally, the ministry plans to communicate via the FR-Alert system and the sending of SMS.

The Enedis and RTE teams will strengthen their surveillance and intervention resources in order to avoid power outages.

In company

While Météo France can predict a heat wave a week in advance, “This week can be used to change the schedules. This is particularly true for construction sites that are outdoors”, specifies the Minister of Ecological Transition. Here again, a guide will be distributed on the work that can be done and the good behavior to adopt.

Labor inspection checks will take place to ensure that companies take into account the risks associated with heat in the organization of work in particular.

And during heat waves, it will be forbidden to transport live animals from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

For sporting and cultural events

To avoid postponements or cancellations of sporting events, the government wants to support the organizers to anticipate an optimal organization. “From mid-June a census of these events will be carried out in each department. The mayors will be asked to send the prefect the list of events planned on their territory and the contacts of the organizers”, specifies the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The government also wants to raise awareness and inform organizers of the risks associated with high temperatures. The prefects may cancel an event if they consider that the measures taken are not sufficient.

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