Cognitive depression, a new disorder defined by researchers

It was defined by researchers at Stanford University, and it concerns no less than one in four patients. As we already know, depression comes in several forms: postpartum after childbirth, chronic depressive disorder, to name but a few. But researchers at Stanford University have determined a new genus, called cognitive depression. Cognitive depression: the basis … Read more

INTERVIEW. “Borderline personality disorder is the most common personality disorder”, explains Dr Anjali Mathur, head of the Bordelink unit

the essential Since last January, a new care unit specially dedicated to people suffering from borderline personality disorder has opened at the Toulouse University Hospital. The Borderlink team offers group psychotherapy to help these patients manage their hyperemotivity. Doctor Anjali Mathur, psychiatrist at Toulouse University Hospital, is responsible for the Borderlink care unit. She explains … Read more

How to choose a reliable dentist?

Learn the importance of regular dental care and how to choose a reliable dentist to guarantee your oral health. Discover the criteria to consider for a quality dental care experience. Smiling is often considered the most powerful expression of joy and happiness, reflecting our personality and self-confidence. However, a bright smile cannot be maintained without … Read more

Detainees, S files in psychiatric care: “We receive them with a ball in their stomachs”, testifies a caregiver from the Marchant hospital in Toulouse

the essential Due to a lack of places in the secure units, individuals who are incarcerated or on S files are taken care of in the admission pavilions of the Gérard-Marchant hospital in Toulouse. Some caregivers feel in danger and ask for increased security. “We receive these detainees with a lump in their stomachs. We … Read more