A book box inaugurated

Home A book box inaugurated
Written by Doug Hampton

Last week, the teams of the town hall accompanied by several associations and the Rotary Club, funder of the operation, inaugurated a book box rue de la République, made by the Tool in hand.

“This is part of our policy of revitalizing the city center, in order to improve the living environment”, underlined the mayor, Jean-Sébastien Orcibal. “We continue to work on each space of the Bastide to bring culture to each district”.

New doctors have joined the hospital in recent months

“In a context of shortage of doctors and difficulties caused by the RIST law, the

Center Hospitalier de Villefranche-de-Rouergue is working hard to recruit doctors

to maintain its activity while several practitioners are asserting their rights to retirement”, indicates the hospital. Faced with this problem, the structure has recruited several professionals in recent months.

Doctor Constantin Oncioiu took up his position as a surgeon in general surgery.

In April, three doctors took up their duties: Doctor Dhaouadi Nidhal, emergency doctor, Doctor Khouma El Hadji, radiologist, Doctor Hage Ernest, urology surgeon.

In May, two medical interns were welcomed at the Hospital Center for 6 months.

by Léa Dupont and Justine Massou. The hospital also welcomes a new gastroenterologist in mid-June, Doctor El Mansouri Imad. Doctor Kesmia Brahim will work in the Aftercare and Rehabilitation department with Doctor Muratet Gilles on the Rulhe site, replacing the departure.

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