How effective is Billionaire Brain Wave for improving brain function?

Home How effective is Billionaire Brain Wave for improving brain function?

Billionaire Bain Wave is said to help a person succeed in every aspect of their life by activating theta brain waves. You must now wonder how the audio track will help you achieve wealth and happiness and what role theta waves play.

The phenomenon known as the “shrunken-hippocampus effect” characterizes individuals by the size of a brain organ called the Hippocampus. When shrunken, it induces anxiety, stress, and other symptoms. Conversely, a normal-sized Hippocampus promotes peace and joy. This effect was discovered by Columbia University neuroscientists and has been kept confidential, slated for release in twenty years.

An audio track, precisely seven minutes in length, has been meticulously designed to enlarge a shrunken hippocampus. By utilizing three distinct frequencies, each lasting nine decimal places, this track stimulates theta waves in the brain, which are believed to attract luck and energize the listener. The audio draws inspiration from ancient Greek, Native American, and Tuva traditions, particularly the Tuva people’s throat singing practice, renowned for enhancing prosperity and dominance in their history.

This Billionaire Brain Wave Review Video was Published on the Berney YouTube channel