Carcassonne. A workshop in a truck to cook local products at low prices

Home Carcassonne. A workshop in a truck to cook local products at low prices
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The Maison locale de l’Ouest audois (MLOA) hosted a traveling truck this month where cooking workshops offered by Carcassonne Agglo are organized. The objective of this Territorial Food Project is to teach young people to cook good local products at a lower price.

The Carcassonne Agglo Territorial Food Project raises awareness among young people of the importance of preparing balanced meals. The truck loaned by the Food Bank of Perpignan thus performs a tour until the beginning of July. Market gardeners are installed on site, to prepare vegetables which will then be cooked by young volunteers: “We collect all types of local products”confides Marie-Claude Pouchou, communication officer at the Food Bank.

The objective of this tour is precise: “We want to guide our youth towards the best local food”, says Régis Banquet, president of Carcassonne Agglo. He adds : “Today, there are twice as many young people who eat poorly… Some of them are socially out of touch and cannot afford to buy healthy products. The idea is to accompany them so that they discover how to recover quality local products, and how to cook them well.” Monique Granara, president of the Red Cross, takes care of the cooking initiation: “It’s a pleasure to help them change their habits. We’re here to show them the importance of cooking well in order to enjoy themselves.”

Enjoy cooking

“Part of the youth must learn a new way of behaving with local products”, says Bernard Bonnes, president of the Food Bank of Aude. He specifies : “By providing them with foodstuffs for free, we realize that they don’t know how to cook them well and that they throw them away. By accompanying them, we make them discover that these products can be very good if we learn how to cook them well. cook.” Liza Fournier, advisor to the MLOA, bounces on these words: “Preparing and consuming together allows you to create a very strong social bond and to have fun.”

Nadine Bertrand, president of the Food Bank of Perpignan, expresses her desire to help. “They are offered an internship at the Food Bank. This allows them to meet people that promote opportunities. The internship can lead to civic service.” Kévin Bigniwde is followed by a youth engagement contract support: “I am made aware of the benefits of sports practice and healthy eating. It puts me in a good dynamic.”

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