Heavy. Well physically to be well mentally

Home Heavy. Well physically to be well mentally
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Faustine Azavant, 23, started as a sports coach a year ago. Through his company AZ Coaching, his wish is to combine his passion and mutual aid.

“The sessions are adapted, she listens to us and thanks to her, I recovered joints that I thought I had lost!” explains Cathy, one of the participants in Faustine Azavant’s coaching sessions. The young 23-year-old coach started in July 2022 after obtaining her Staps diploma with a physical activity license adapted to health.

Rocked in the world of sport since very young, she chained tennis, running and rugby: “I’ve always liked that, it allows me to let off steam. And I’m also a little hyperactive”. His passion prompted him to pursue a professional career in the sector: “I wanted to become a sports teacher. Then over the course of my license, I decided to go into the profession of sports coach. It is a way of mix my passion and helping others”. Armed with flyers, social networks and strong experience as a trainer in clubs, Faustine has built her clientele: “A nice range of 15 to 85 year olds. For the youngest, we develop muscle mass, you learn to hold yourself properly and gain self-confidence. For older people, it’s about keeping in shape and doing balance work. Being physically well means being mentally well” .

During confinement, the desire to take care of one’s health through sport increased according to Faustine: “Some wanted to get back to it, but realized that they did not know where to start. I try to give advice, explanations and adjust their postures. And also advise them on exercises to do at home”. The sports coach performs at the sports hall of the Argelès-Gazost thermal baths, in the park opposite or at home. Depending on the place, Faustine adapts: “Outside, we will do dumbbells, sheathing, boxing, running or walking. In the gym, we will mainly work with the machines. And at home, I take my sports equipment”.

It’s out of the question to be satisfied with simple training: “It’s in a good mood, we have to laugh, we have to mess around, we tease each other. It’s not incompatible with working well. When people arrive after a hard day, it’s good to see them leave with a smile”. For Faustine, one of the most rewarding aspects is seeing the goals of the people being accompanied come true on time. For the future, Faustine always hopes to continue in this perspective of help and positivity. And why not develop your business, more group coaching sessions and set up your own gym: “To have more independence, but also, because the machines are necessary for certain profiles and rehabilitation, of the back for example. And when the weather is more complicated, it’s good to have a place to go. To contact Faustine Azavant: 06 38 10 86 24.

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