World Blood Donor Day: positive results for collection in Tarbes

Home World Blood Donor Day: positive results for collection in Tarbes
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, June 14, a collection was organized in a room in the Arsenal district. A significant increase in attendance which delighted the doctors.

In this associative place, in solidarity with the donation, located behind the main street of the Arsenal, banners were displayed along the gate. A blood donation drive was organized for World Blood Donor Day, this Wednesday, June 14. Several volunteers jostle at the door, their eyes captivated by the new arrivals. To make this day pleasant, several artists wanted to exhibit their paintings, as well as sculptures and photographs.

Snack room.

Snack room.
DDM – Charlotte Sauvignac

Marie Jo Pommier, doctor in charge of the samples is already invested in her function, her eyebrows furrowed. “We have had supply problems in recent months, the samples are down from the initial objectives. In the Pyrenees, what was planned is to reach 13,750 blood bags, to ensure self-sufficiency and finally we is 95% of what we wanted”, she confides concerned about the result of the day.

Positive balance for the EFS

Yet, at the end of the day, smiles are on everyone’s face. 123 people came, including 10% new donors. A historic day for blood donation in the department. “We are delighted, it has been two or three years since we have registered so many donors during a collection. Usually, it varies between 70 and 80 people”, declares the EFS.

Even if the day is positive, Marie Jo Pommier remains on her guard: “About 90% of the French population is for blood donation, but only 4 to 5% take the plunge. Reluctance is often due to the apprehension of the needle, discomfort but also some do not know the usefulness of it.”
A purpose that takes several paths: “Blood bags are often used for haemorrhages, chemotherapy, people who lack iron and also for those who undergo operations and who lose a lot of blood”, she informs, watching several people lying on camp beds during their samples.

Sampling room.

Sampling room.
DDM – Charlotte Sauvignac

After finishing, the donors go to the snack. “I want to give because I am a universal donor, O negative. But also because I am aware of the other by being Help for the person”, confesses Christine, 64 years old, but others do not have direct link with, this is the case of Bryan, 22, “I have been coming for two or three years, when I saw that the EFS needed blood. Around me, I am the first to being a giver and that didn’t stop me from giving.”

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