Call for the mobilization of health professionals

Home Call for the mobilization of health professionals
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The unions call on health professionals to mobilize on Tuesday, June 20.

“Ambient security is threatened” says Jean-Marc Michaud, member of the CGT Health-Social Action, referring to the worrying situation of the health system.

A hundred SSR beds (Follow-up and Repair Care) have been closed in the department, 22 beds closed at the Montaigu d’Astugue hospital and the excessive lack of staff does not allow patients to be properly cared for. For a first appointment in child psychiatry in the department, it takes between 9 and 10 months of waiting.

The unions do not feel listened to and even denounce a lack of interlocutors. They therefore call for a rally in front of the Hautes-Pyrénées prefecture on Tuesday June 20 for a request for an audience with the prefect Jean Salomon, whom the CGT Health-Social Action has never met since the start of his mandate.

Demand better working conditions

Working conditions have deteriorated more and more since the pandemic, hospitals lack medical and paramedical personnel. The closure of the operating theaters in Lourdes should allow a reinforcement of the staff in Tarbes. According to the unions, this will not be enough to fill the gaps. They want measures to be taken to make jobs more attractive.

The rise in the index point of 1.7 is not enough for them taking inflation into account. “We are not here to become a millionaire, we are only asking for respect because the current proposals are indecent” denounces Daniel Labarre, secretary of the Sud Santé Sociaux union.

The unions are also calling for the stopping of Parcoursup, which would be a brake on the recruitment of new staff. “Students are recruited by default in training, they are not motivated and stop after a year, these are wasted places” according to Jean-Marc Michaud.

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